Photo of the Day


Tutored Tasting by James Suckling at his Divino Tuscany event in Florence, Italy, that I attended in June 2011.

Photo by Christine Humphrey ©2012

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  • Anonymous
    5 May, 2012 at 14:57

    That sounded like an amazing event. His smaller “Bordeaux” event that I attended in Santa Monica two years ago was quite informative. He certainly organizes some interesting guest speakers, and picks some great wines to taste.

    • Christine Humphrey
      5 May, 2012 at 15:07

      Yes, he does! The panel for this particular tasting consisted of the producers of these wines. I hope to attend again, one day, plus visit more of Italy that I have not seen, like Siena and Cinqueterre and Paestum to the south.